MRI practice videos

How to use the practice videos

Choosing the duration of the video:

You will need to choose a video of appropriate duration. I have made videos of various durations (see below) so that you can start with a short time, and build up your mental practice duration to equal roughly how long your actual scan will take. If you do not know how long your MRI scan will take, ask the staff at the place you are going to have your scan. A quick phone call to them should get you the answer. If you are unable to get the duration of your scan, you can at least do some practice, say up to 15 minutes. It’s really up to you as to how long your mental practice duration is to be. Perhaps you may just want to practice a little, just to get a rough idea of the methods. 

Adjusting sound volume:

Once you have chosen a practice video of appropriate length, you will need to adjust the sound volume. Start the video so that you can hear the MRI sounds and adjust the volume to a level you find comfortable. Play it as loud as you would listen to music playing in the background in your home.

Below are the MRI scanner practice videos that I have made. They are of various lengths, going up to 30 minutes. Start with the short ones, and slowly, over days go up in length. If you need to practice longer than 30 minutes, please play an appropriate shorter video after the 30-minute video. 

Five-minute practice video

Ten-minute practice video

Fifteen-minute practice video

Twenty-minute practice video

Twenty-five minute practice video

Thirty-minute practice video

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